How do you set a tide clock ?
You have just received your Ocean Clock tide clock and you now want to set it. You are at the right place ! Here, we are going to explain to you how to set your tide clock thanks to two methods, and tell you when you need to reset it.
THE BEST WAYto set it fast and precisely
To proceed to the setting, you have two choices which we are now going to explain to you. Firstly, let us start with the faster method that is both simple and optimum. This method consists of using the OCEAN CLOCK module setting which calculates the state of the tide in real time.
Setting a tide clock is a very straightforward process!
You can set it any time, there's no need anymore to wait for a good tidal coefficient.
Follow the indications of the lowest available unit and get an optimal setting.
please readcarefully
Please note that the time to be indicated in the setting’s module is 24-hour time format.
For example, if the high tide is at 4:30 PM, you will have to write the value 16:30.
This setting may show a small gap with the tide’s current state, but it will adjust automatically and will be minimal during the year.
Keep in mind that we do not recommend the so called “super power” batteries as they are too powerful for our mechanisms.
Need more explanations ?
In order to proceed to this setting method, all you need to do is get the necessary information to enable the module to calculate the exact position where the hand needs to be placed on the clock's face. But how do you set a tide clock ?
First of all, it is necessary to consult the tide times related to your port of reference. But where can we find these tide times ? To do so, we recommend you to visit the Marine Weather Forecast website which gives access to all the information you need in order to proceed to the setting. Afterwards, you will have to remember the date of the next new moon as well as the time of the high tide associated with that date.
Once you have collected all the required information about local tides, you may input them into the setting module. The tide clock associated with the module will show you the current position of your clock's hand. You will just need to position the hand on the same location by using the thumbwheel situated at the back of the clock and inserting the AA battery.
Here you go, it has only taken you 5 minutes to make the clock function with optimum setting. From now on, all you have to do is wait for the right time to head off to the beach.
A TRADITIONAL SETTINGto adjust your clock on tide times
If you are not comfortable using the online module, a more "traditional" method also exists to set your tide indicator.
To assist you throughout the different steps of this method, we have made a video that explains to you in a few points how to set your tide clock.
PLAY THE VIDEOLet us go over, in a few words, the different steps of setting a tide clock, which are presented to you in the video hereabove.
Find a tide calendar
First of all, you need to get the tide calendar of your port of reference. If you do not possess a traditional tide calendar, you can find some online for free, on the Marine Weather Forecast website for instance.
Choose a day with a high tide coefficient, 85 at the minimum
But what is a tide coefficient ? It is a calculated indicator which gives the tide magnitude. It may vary between 20 and 120. We recommend you to opt for a day when the coefficient is rather high to reduce possible intervals between the clock and the real state of the tide.
Favour a new moon day
How to set tide clock accurately ? To do so, we advise you to pick a day of new moon to proceed to a very accurate setting. This way, the clock's indications will align the most closely with the tide calendar throughout the year. To find out about new-moon days, please refer to the tide calendar.
Set the clock when the day comes
To finish, pay attention to the high sea time. You will just have to position the clock's hand on "high tide" by using the thumbwheel at the back of the clock and insert the battery.
This method to set tide clock might be inconvenient as you need to be available at a precise date and time.
The setting moment has come ! All you need to do is read the tide times on your clock before heading off to the ocean. Need help to read the tide indicator ? Visit our dedicated page now : how to read a tide clock.
Whether you live in Paris or London, you can set your clock to either Brest's port or Brighton's. If you want, you can of course set your tide indicator to tides of another town where you are not at the moment.
IS IT NECESSARYto adjust a tide clock
Traditional clocks require a few adjustments during the year. What about tide clocks ?
You must not adjust the tide clock regularly as you may disrupt its functioning. If you notice slight intervals, you do not need to reset the tide clock as those intervals will get corrected by the next tide cycles.
However, it is recommended to proceed to a resetting after equinox periods. These periods correspond to season changes, from Winter to Spring (end of March) and from Summer to Autumn (end of September). You will have to wait for the next new moon and follow the previous instructions.
Why proceed to a resetting ? Simply because it is at equinox periods that we record the strongest tides due to the combined attractions of the Moon and Sun on the Earth and of the Sun's position relative to Ecuador. Find our article that illustrates this tide phenomenon.
For your information, the tide clock does not need to be adjusted when time changes, in Summer and Winter. Indeed, those changes have no impact on solar or lunar cycles and thus they do not impact tides.
This setting tide clock module has been developed by Frédéric Madsen, engineer at the site Météo 56. The particularity of this setting technique is that you do not need to wait for particular conditions to make a tide clock function correctly.
Do you like our tide clocks? Complete your decoration with our collection of traditional clocks inspired by our tide indicators.